Excellence in Audit Education with Insights on Value of the Audit
Please Note: This is a non-commercial product that has been reproduced with the explicit permission of the PwC Foundation USA to enhance the quality of auditing education in higher education institutions.
All students of accounting are expected to take one or more courses in auditing. Yet because of its practical nature, auditing is difficult to teach or to be understood in a classroom environment. This realisation of the practical nature of auditing has generated much discussions about auditing education between practitioners and educators over the years.
Such discussions have focused on whether or not auditing is best taught in the classroom or on the job; what aspects of auditing should be taught at the university level and what aspects should be learned in practice. Also, there have been questions as to whether or not auditing should be taught conceptually, practically, or as a composite.
Besides, the current changes and challenges in the business environment have created the need for a variety of methods to enhance instruction in auditing and for systematic dialogue and collaboration between educators and practitioners. The PricewaterhouseCoopers ‘Excellence in Audit Education’ programme brings the richness of real life experiences into the classroom, and is an attempt to face this double challenge head on.