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Whether at the personal or organisational level, Academy for Excellence in Education (AFEXED) is about optimum achievement.

As an individual our coaching, training or online courses will positively impact your life and enable you to attain the highest level of achievement possible. Therefore, we’re always excited to showcase and celebrate STUDENT CHAMPIONS

To register for our coaching programme




As an organisation we provide bespoke inhouse or online coaching and training for staff, including providing helpful strategies that will take your business to the next level.

As an institution we will work with your staff and students to introduce innovative and creative approaches to teaching and learning that will enable them acquire skills that are relevant for the world of work. What distinguishes us is our passion to impact and transform lives and to make a difference.

Problem-Based Learning being introduced at Qassim University

Participant asking a question at a session where Elewechi introduced Problem-Based Learning



I just finished the ‘Discover Your Secret Wealth Workshop’ with Mrs Ngozi Okike, and it really blessed me. As soon as the programme was advertised, I registered immediately because I was hoping to find how to gain some ideas and how to find direction as I prepare to move on and make some new steps forward. I really liked the idea of social wealth in terms of how you make a difference in your community and the world around you, and how when you see a problem, it’s not necessarily for you to complain or to continue to be resentful about it; but it’s actually an opportunity for you to solve it.

So, what can you do? How can you solve that problem? That can be a type of entrepreneurship and that really resonated with me. So thank you very much for sharing your wealth.

I encourage you to sign up for this workshop if you need some direction, in terms of how you can maximise what you already have and what’s already in your hands.


Here are some testimonials from attendees at some of our workshops:

  • “The need to have vision and purpose is a very vital aspect of one’s life”. William, A.
  • “The workshop was targeting what I was looking for”. Anthony, B.
  • “One important thing I learned today is that I can be an entrepreneur who can start from a humble beginning”. Straddle, C.
  • “The workshop opened my eyes to see that problems are screaming opportunities waiting to be tackled”.Peter, D.
  • “The best aspect of the workshop was feeling encouraged by the presenter that everyone is unique and has something unique inside of them that they can achieve”.Paul, E.
  • “One important thing I learned today was that my attitude is my best friend or my worst enemy”. Martin, F.
  • “Never give up on my dreams. This is one important thing I learned today”. Brown, G.
  • “One important thing I learned today was the importance of vision; seeing opportunities where others don’t”. Bell, H.
  • “I managed to recognise my talents. It inspired me to do something”. Aaron, I.
  • “I was inspired and motivated to use my talent. It helped me to recognise my personal skills, social wealth and talents”. Simon, J.
  • “Truly I can make a difference by recognising my talent and make use of them”. Gregory, K.
  • “There is no impossibility. I have to continue to distribute my social wealth”. Stanley, L.
  • “I was inspired and motivated to use my talent. It helped me to recognise my personal skills, social wealth and talents”. Adetola, M.
  • “The subject was so informative. I learned about looking at my potential and making the best out of them”. Kingston, N.
  • “Inspiration and use of real-life examples and videos”. Daniel, O.
  • “The best aspect of the workshop was identifying wealth. Knowing what it takes to succeed is in me and can be harnessed”. Cottage, P
  • “I was inspired and motivated to use my talent. It helped me to recognise my personal skills, social wealth and talents”. Adeniyi, R.
  • “Health is wealth and I can make a difference in my life”. Kutengi, S.
  • “The best aspect of the workshop was the practical session where you could discuss your skills and the opportunity to look inwards to see what God has already put in you”. Samuel, T.
  • “I can start now; age is no barrier”. Kingston, W.
  • “One important thing I learned today was asking myself the question, “who am I, and what am I here for?” John, R.