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Passion for excellence is our watchword at Afexed. We love to see students achieve the optimum under our supervision, hence we provide different types of support for students in tertiary institutions, including skills building, training in research skills, professional editing and proof reading of their dissertations, essays, and other written projects. We have years of experience in PhD supervision and examination and collaborate with local and international institutions to supervise and examine PhDs and PG dissertations.

Here are some messages of appreciation from past students that we supported:

  • “To Elewechi, I am glad you are my tutor. Thank you for giving me a lot of advice. Thanks a lot” – Your student Wenbin D.
  • “To Dear Okike, it’s really a gift knowing someone like you. Thanks so much for your advice & guidance in my study… God bless you! Keep in touch” – David M..
  • “To Dearest Mrs Elewechi Okike, I would like to say THANK YOU and I appreciated all the lessons you taught me”– Sharie Na R.
  • “Dear Mrs Okike, through three months I was working on my dissertation. I really appreciate you were teaching me a lot… whenever you go to Beijing, please contact me, I will be honoured to be your guide. Thank you very much” – Jin L..

REGISTER with us to arrange bespoke research training for your students and if you would like to collaborate with us, please get in touch to see how we can work together

If you’re a student needing support in any area of your studies, get in touch also and let us know how we can support you and help you to achieve your full potential.